Norway working holiday visa

Are you considering a working holiday in Norway? If so, you’re probably wondering about the “Norway working holiday visa.” This article provides comprehensive information, addressing your questions from eligibility to application, duration, and much more.

Norway Working Holiday Visa Requirements

The Norway working holiday visa requirements are specific and must be met to secure a visa. Applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old, possess a valid passport, demonstrate financial sufficiency to support their stay, and hold comprehensive health insurance. Some countries also have bilateral agreements with Norway, which may alter these requirements slightly.

How to Apply for a Norway Working Holiday Visa

The application for a Norway working holiday visa is straightforward. Visit the official Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) website to complete the online application form. After filling out the form and paying the visa fee, you’ll be asked to submit the necessary documents, including proof of travel insurance, evidence of sufficient funds, and a valid passport.

Eligibility for Norway Working Holiday Visa

Eligibility for a Norway working holiday visa varies by country. The scheme is open to citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, there isn’t a Norway working holiday visa for U.S. citizens. For the most current information, check with the Norwegian immigration authorities.

Cost of Norway Working Holiday Visa

The cost of a Norway working holiday visa is subject to change. For the most current fee structure, check the official UDI website.

Duration and Renewal of Norway Working Holiday Visa

The Norway working holiday visa typically lasts for 12 months. Unfortunately, renewal of a Norway working holiday visa is generally not possible. Once your visa expires, you must leave Norway.

Working in Norway with a Holiday Visa

A Norway working holiday visa gives you the right to work in Norway. However, it’s meant to be secondary to travel purposes. This means you can fund your vacation by working part-time.

Norway Working Holiday Visa Job Opportunities

With a Norway working holiday visa, job opportunities are quite diverse. You might find work in tourism, hospitality, agriculture, or even at local festivals. Just remember, the main goal of your stay should be holidaying, not working.


A Norway working holiday visa is a fantastic opportunity to experience this stunning country while making some money on the side. It’s an adventure of a lifetime. So, why wait? Start your application process today!

Please note, this article provides general advice. Regulations can change, so always check the latest information on the official website.

Ingrid Berg, known online as FjordExplorer, hails from Norway. As a passionate travel blogger and adventurer, she shares her experiences exploring the world. With a deep love for nature and animals, she aims to showcase the beauty of different landscapes and wildlife through her blog. Ingrid's journeys not only inspire others to appreciate the natural world but also promote sustainable travel practices. Her captivating storytelling and stunning photography have earned her a dedicated following in the travel community.
Ingrid Berg